Mastering the Art of Negotiation: Dad’s Guide to Teaching Kids
Many parents struggle with teaching their kids how to negotiate. Brian, a dad, believes negotiation is an essential life skill for his...

Car Maintenance 101: Teaching Teens Basic Auto Skills
Teaching teens to drive involves more than just the rules of the road. One important fact is that basic car maintenance knowledge...

Teaching Your Kids About Gratitude: A Dad’s Perspective
Many parents worry their kids take things for granted. Psychological research shows gratitude can boost happiness. This article shares practical tips from...

Balancing Extracurricular Activities: A Dad’s Approach
Parenting is tough when you're juggling your kids' busy schedules. Many students find balancing school and activities hard but it's not impossible....

Dad’s Guide to Homework Help: 5 Proven Tips for Academic Success
Helping your kids with homework can sometimes feel like a puzzle. A fact to remember is that half of all parents find...

The Dad’s Guide to Teen Dating: Conversations and Guidelines
Navigating the maze of teen dating can be daunting for any father, wondering how best to support their child's journey into romance....