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Exploring History with Your Kids: A Dad’s Adventure

Finding fun educational activities for your kids can sometimes be tough. This blog talks about making history come alive for children. You’ll learn how a dad turned learning American history into an adventure with his kids. Get ready to make memories!

Key Takeaways

  • Hands – on activities like making wigwams and using state bird flashcards not only make history lessons fun but also spark kids’ curiosity.
  • Adapting curriculum materials, such as incorporating the “My Father’s World Adventures in U.S. History” for different ages, ensures all children stay engaged while learning.
  • Shared experiences in learning about history strengthen family bonds and encourage open communication among siblings and parents.
  • Utilizing a variety of resources, including books recommended for extra reading and online tools, can enrich the homeschooling experience with diverse historical perspectives.
  • Adjustments to the curriculum allow families to tailor their educational journey by adding or removing components that best meet their children’s needs.

The Joy of Exploring History with Kids

Exploring history with kids brings adventure and excitement into learning. Kids are engaged and fascinated by hands-on activities and experiences that bring history to life.

My Experience

Diving into history with my kids through the My Father’s World Adventures in U.S. History curriculum turned our homeschooling journey into an adventure. We tackled eras from the Age of Exploration to early 20th-century inventions, making stops at crucial moments like the Revolutionary War and Westward Expansion.

The curriculum brilliantly blends Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophies, classical education methods, and hands-on unit studies, all viewed through a biblical lens.

Utilizing book baskets filled with narratives about American pioneers and patriots, along with tales like “Little House on the Prairie,” we breathed life into historical facts. This approach made each period tangible for my children in kindergarten, second grade, and fourth grade.

Crafts, recipes, and interactive activities related to historical events further enriched our experience by allowing us to step back in time together. Now let’s delve into what exactly we enjoyed throughout this process.

What We Enjoyed

Our family reveled in the hands-on activities that made history come alive. Making wigwams and sailing small boats allowed us to connect with past times in a tangible way. We also enjoyed using state bird and flower flashcards for coloring and observation, which added a fun twist to our geography lessons.

These activities didn’t just educate; they sparked curiosity and excitement about learning.

We integrated nature into our studies by utilizing a bird guide, binoculars, and setting up a bird feeder, turning science and geography lessons into interactive adventures. This approach helped us explore the diverse landscapes across different states through the eyes of their native birds.

Tracing paper became an unexpected yet valuable tool, enabling our first grader to trace illustrations from books we gathered, enhancing both artistic skills and historical understanding without making it feel like traditional schoolwork.

Using “My Father’s World Adventures in U. S. History”

We chose the “My Father’s World Adventures in U.S. History” program for its engaging approach and comprehensive coverage. We adapted some materials to suit our first grader’s learning style, making the program adaptable for different age groups.

Why We Chose This Program

Our eclectic homeschooling style led us to select My Father’s World Adventures in US History. This program fit our family’s unique educational needs, blending scriptural insights with a comprehensive exploration of American history.

Initially, we considered Sonlight Exploring American History but realized that My Father’s World offered a better match for our approach.

We plan to enrich our curriculum by incorporating elements from both Sonlight Exploring American History and Beautiful Feet Books Primary Early American History. This strategy allows us to access an extensive range of books and materials from these curriculums, ensuring a diverse and well-rounded historical education for our children.

Adjustments include adopting first-grade Math and Language Arts from the Sonlight curriculum while tailoring other subjects to meet the needs of our younger learner.

How We Used This With a First Grader

After deciding that “My Father’s World Adventures in U.S. History” was the right choice for our homeschool curriculum, we dove into adapting it for a first grader. We focused on making history come alive by using the timeline pieces included in the program as a visual aid.

These helped our son grasp when different events happened and how they fit together in the grand scheme of U.S. history.

To make sure he stayed engaged, we broke down the short snippets of information about various historical figures and events into bite-sized lessons. This approach kept his interest piqued without overwhelming him with too much detail at once.

By incorporating storytelling, crafts related to Laura Ingalls’ life, and music from different eras, we enriched his learning experience beyond just facts and dates.

A Detailed Look at Our History Adventures

We discovered a plethora of engaging materials that kept our kids excited about history. The hands-on activities and interactive resources made learning come alive for them.

Our Favorite Materials

We enjoyed several materials while exploring history with our kids. Here are some of our favorite resources:

  1. The Courage of Sarah Noble: This book set, including “The Courage of Sarah Noble,” provided an engaging look at early American history.
  2. On the Banks of Plum Creek: We found this literature set to be a captivating resource for gaining insights into pioneer life.
  3. Music and Art Workshops on CD: The music and art workshops on CD added an interactive dimension to our historical exploration, making the learning experience more immersive for our first grader.
  4. Math and Language Arts Worksheets: These supplementary materials helped reinforce foundational skills in math and language arts within the context of U.S. history, offering a well-rounded approach to learning.
  5. Science Enrichment Items: The science enrichment items sparked curiosity and provided opportunities to explore historical scientific concepts, expanding our kids’ understanding beyond traditional history lessons.
  6. Foreign Language Materials: Introducing foreign language components provided a global perspective within the historical context, broadening our kids’ cultural awareness.
  7. Clearance Items: Utilizing clearance items allowed us to access additional resources at affordable prices, enhancing the breadth and depth of our historical exploration without overspending.
  8. Gift Cards for Enrichment Activities: Incorporating gift cards for enrichment activities offered flexibility in tailoring the historical learning experience to suit our kids’ interests while adding elements of surprise and excitement.

Materials We Adapted or Removed

After enjoying our favorite materials, it was important to adapt or remove certain elements to better suit our history exploration with kids. Here are the adjustments we made:

  1. The Bible program in the curriculum was too Sunday School – ish for our preferences, so we replaced it with scripture readings and discussions related to the names of Jesus.
  2. The breadth of topics covered in the science program felt disconnected and haphazard, lacking depth and continuity. We supplemented this with additional material from “The Good and The Beautiful.”
  3. Tchaikovsky’s composer study in the music program seemed out of place, so we replaced it with literature specific to patriotic American songs.
  4. The note-booking student sheets had format and price issues, including wide-ruled handwriting lines and high copying costs. We opted for alternative note-booking methods that better suited our needs.
  5. The Fourth of July Story book was not considered essential to our exploration, so we omitted it from our studies.
  6. Thanksgiving – related activities were skipped to maintain a smooth flow through the curriculum while still providing rich historical content.

The Impact of Exploring History Together

Exploring history together sparked a keen interest in our kids, leading to lively discussions and questions about the past. Our shared learning experiences fostered a deeper connection between us as we explored history through vivid narratives and interactive activities.

Changes Noticed in Our Kids

Our kids have become more engaged and curious about history since we started exploring historical adventures with them. They have shown increased interest in learning about different time periods and cultures, often connecting what they learn to their own experiences.

Their critical thinking skills have improved as they ask thoughtful questions and make connections between past events and current issues.

Moreover, our children’s communication skills have also developed through discussing historical topics with us and sharing their newfound knowledge with family and friends. Overall, the positive changes noticed in our kids demonstrate the value of incorporating history exploration into their education, providing them with a well-rounded understanding of the world around them.

The Benefit of Shared Learning Experiences

As a result of our history exploration, we’ve found that shared learning experiences have strengthened family bonds and fostered open communication. Engaging in the program helped our kids to see history as a living subject, encouraging them to ask questions and share their insights with one another.

This collaborative approach has not only enhanced their understanding but also promoted teamwork and empathy among siblings. Moreover, it has provided an opportunity for us as parents to actively participate in their educational journey and create lasting memories together.

The sensory-rich approach of the learning program has allowed our kids to engage with historical concepts in a hands-on manner – boosting retention while turning what could be seen as dull facts into vibrant, meaningful stories.

Discovering history with your kids can be an exciting journey. Engage in hands-on activities and explore historical events together to create lasting memories. Witness the impact of shared learning experiences as you open up new worlds for your children.

Embrace the joy of exploring history with your kids and watch them grow through these adventures.


1. How can I buy educational history books for kids on Amazon?

You can easily find educational history books for your little ones by searching on Amazon.com. Add the books to your cart, proceed to checkout, and complete the payment with a credit card or other options available.

2. Are there affordable ways to get history curricula for kids?

Yes! Look for list prices and compare them with market prices on various retailers’ websites. Sometimes, you might find discounts or use affiliate links that offer savings at checkout.

3. Can I share purchased history eBooks with my kids using Kindle App?

Absolutely! Once you purchase an eBook, you can read it across devices using the Kindle app. This means both you and your little kids can enjoy exploring history together from any browser or device.

4. Is there an all-in-one curriculum option for teaching kids about history?

Many publishers offer all-in-one curricula designed specifically for educating kids about history. These often come in bundles that include books, activities, and sometimes access to exclusive content online.

5. Do I need an Amazon Prime membership to buy historical educational materials?

While having an Amazon Prime membership provides benefits like free shipping, it’s not required to purchase historical educational materials from amazon.com or its affiliates.