3 Great Wintertime Grilling Recipes
Most people associate grilling to summer days. Grilling is the ultimate summer experience, which is why many people tend to forget about...

3 Fashion Tips for Style Challenged Dads
Being a dad isn't a valid excuse for looking sloppy or lazy. After all, you don't have to be fashion forward to...

How to Reduce Calorie Intake Without Feeling Hungry
Obesity is truly a growing epidemic among Americans. Recent studies have shown that a whopping 63% of Americans are overweight, with almost...

5 Alternatives To Statin Medication to Manage Your High Cholesterol
High cholesterol has reached near epidemic proportions in the United States. It is estimated that 1 in 6 Americans have high cholesterol,...

How to Be a Better Parent
Raising kids is tough, no doubt about it. And there are countless resources available to on how to be a better parent...