Building Resilient Kids: Strategies for Raising Emotionally Strong Children
Simple Dad /
13 Nov 2023
In an ever-changing and often challenging world, the ability to bounce back from adversity, cope with stress, and adapt to change is...

Erikson’s Stages of Development: How Children Develop In Relation To Social Expectations
Simple Dad /
18 Oct 2023
Erik Erikson, a renowned psychoanalyst, made pioneering contributions to our understanding of human development by introducing the concept of psychosocial stages. These...

10 Tips for Transitioning to Middle School: Making The Jump To Junior Higher Easier
Simple Dad /
13 Oct 2023
Tip 1: Combination Locks One big change when children get to middle school is lockers. Having taught 5th grade for the last...

Tech-Savvy Parenting: How to Keep Your Kids Safe Online
Simple Dad /
29 Sep 2023
As parents in the digital age, we want our kids to be able to take advantage of all the opportunities that technology...

How to Be a Better Parent
Simple Dad /
21 Dec 2012
Raising kids is tough, no doubt about it. And there are countless resources available to on how to be a better parent...