10 Killer Mothers Day Gift Ideas for Your Wife That Will Have Her Smiling
Mother's Day is just around the corner and that means it's time to start searching for a gift. While you could go...

8 Great Father Daughter Bonding Activities
The need is greater than ever to connect with your daughter in a meaningful way. Taking time and energy to do this...

7 Ways to Be a Better Dad to Your Daughter
Unconditional Love Unlimited love is the chief ingredient for being a good father. You don't have to struggle bringing this out as...

7 Things Every Wife Wants in a Husband
Have you ever wondered what wives look for in a husband? Do they look for men that are handsome and charming? Do...

How to Discipline a Child Under 5
It's common for parents who have children under the age of five to struggle with disciplining their children, as so many forms...

8 Ways to Help Your Kids Break the Video Screen Habit
Today's kids have grown up with video games, television and the internet as part of their daily lives. While this is not...